Monday, September 26, 2005

Save That

I've been listening to the Kidd Kraddick in the Morning Show for WAY too long now -- since high school for sure. I can remember pulling up to the school parking lot beside my friends, and all of us would be sitting in our cars, laughing at the radio right up until the bell rang. I still tune the Morning Show in from time to time and have a good laugh. One of my favorite features about the show is something they do called "Save that!" Whenever someone says something that just doesn't sound quite right or will be particularly funny when quoted out of context, a member of the show yells, "Save that!" and it is likely that the soundbite will be used in a funny promo later on. I've incorporated "save that!" into my own vocabulary over the years, and I particularly enjoy keeping a list of great quotes from my friends at parties or events. This page will be dedicated to memorialzing such things. Check back often to see if you find yourself here.

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